This blue eyed doe is incredibly wide. she is a powerhouse, with long, flat bones. She is long and level an her true red and white coat pattern is reminiscent of a giraffe.
Elektra developed mastitis a few months into her FF. Having a single, giant buck, he preferred one side. The treatment effectively halted milk production for one side, yet after she recovered, the 1 half of the udder would still produce, but a small percentage of her working half. She still milked over 2.5 pounds out of the high producing side. She takes after her dam in incredible production, utilizing all of her butter soft, easy to milk udder to store milk, leaving behind an empty udder when milked. We shall see what her 2F udder does next season.
Edigio Daphne is pictured below, 12 hour fill, and empty
Edigio Daphne is pictured below, 12 hour fill, and empty